Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Spread Of High Speed, a.k.a. Broadband Internet

Everyone that surfs the internet these days is wanting more and more from their experience. The internet is becoming just like a desktop experience there are many times a user can be confused about whether they are online, or performing a task locally on their desktop.

The demand for these types of media rich, extremely responsive applications on the internet has caused more and more people to look towards broadband internet access for their internet service. The spread of broadband internet has been fueled by lower prices, more availability, and the need to use the internet for more important tasks on a day to day basis. Many people are using the internet to download different types of media for personal use, paying their bills online, and even using more traditional applications online instead of locally. All of these types of applications really need broadband internet access to perform at their best.

More and more people are downloading movies and songs onto their computers instead of going to the store and buying them off of the shelves. If you are not using broadband internet access to download these types of media, you will get very frustrated, because depending on the size of the file it could take hours to get what you want. Another group of people are trying to pay their bills online, because it is very convenient and reminders can be sent to your email address, so that you never miss a payment.

However if you do not have broadband internet, then the convenience is not worth the wait for the authentication process needed to pay your bills online. Broadband internet has also spread because many people are using different online programs to complete many different tasks. Web email, online word processing, and online spreadsheets are becoming more and more popular today. Many of these programs require broadband internet access to allow the user to get the same experience that they are used to with their old desktop applications.

The price of broadband internet access has dropped dramatically over the past five years. Many people who could not afford broadband internet access now realize that by just spending about ten to twenty dollars more a month they can upgrade from dial-up internet access to broadband internet access.

This drop in price has been enough for people to look for an alternative to the slow, unresponsive, and very unreliable service that most of us became accustomed to while using dial-up. One of the main reasons that the price has dropped so much is that new technologies have been developed to allow broadband internet access to be enjoyed in more places. Also the infrastructure of many companies has been extended to allow service to be available to more people.

Probably the biggest reason for the spread of broadband internet access is the increase of availability. Many people wanted broadband internet when they first heard about it, but it was not available in their area. While we still have a very long way to go, the United States is starting to build an infrastructure that will allow broadband internet access to almost anywhere in the country.

One of the best things about broadband internet is that once it has been extended into an area, the price to distribute it to other people in the area is much lower. Most of the money has already been spent to get the infrastructure close enough to major population areas, that the cost to supply it to users in those areas is now very small.

Another reason the availability of broadband internet access has grown so much lately is that many different types of broadband is now available. These technologies include DSL, cable, wireless, and even satellite and GSM networks. The competition between these different companies has also helped to "hype" broadband internet access, and drive prices down. Broadband internet access is only going to get faster and spread more, so we need to embrace these new technologies or we will be left behind.

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